Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do we already have enough science in Tucson?

A recent article in the Tucson Weekly, explained how a few local organizations were pooling efforts to figure out a way to start a science center. Dev Sethi, the director of the Tucson Children's Museum, responded to the article in to the Weeky's mailbag, "Kids don't need a new Science Center".

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

exhibits in storage

It's a sad state of affairs that this strobodrumhead exhibit is collecting dust in a corner!

All the pieces are in place, all that's needed is a space!

Tucson is spilling over with science. But unfortunately, what happens in our laboratories, workshops, backyards, garages, and kitchens stays in laboratories, workshops, backyards, garages, and kitchens. This leaves the public and, most of all our kids, in the dark. All that's needed is a community space, a playground, where science is allowed to happen. Then it will.